Continuously Improving Health Care Quality, Patient Safety and Service in Kentucky Through Collaborations
Delivering the right care at the right time in the right setting is the core mission of Kentucky hospitals. The Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA) is committed to helping members improve the quality of care they provide every day. The Association has multiple initiatives and resources to further this goal.
KHAQuality.com is dedicated entirely to the quality programs in which KHA and member hospitals are currently engaged. Hospital teams can access resources, toolkits, recordings of educational events and more. Community members can see the hard work Kentucky’s hospitals are doing to improve they care they provide.

OUR Programs



KY Statewide Opioid Stewardship

Community Coalitions
KHA is providing assistance to members’ communities for the purpose of improving local health care and collaboration.

Infection Prevention

Kentucky Rising Stars

Kentucky Perinatal Quality Collaborative

Social Drivers of Health
Health care professionals must understand why SDoH matter, what to do with them, and how to effectively leverage them to secure better outcomes for our patients and communities.