CMS Alphabetical Data Dictionary Version 5.11
The General Abstraction Guidelines explain the different sections of the data element definitions and provide direction for common questions and issues that arise in medical record abstraction.
The General Abstraction Guidelines explain the different sections of the data element definitions and provide direction for common questions and issues that arise in medical record abstraction.
Bobby Redwood, MD, MPH, FACEP Chief of Emergency Medicine Cooley Dickinson Hospital Bob Dickerson, RRT, MSHSA Senior Clinical Program Analyst Behavioral Development and Inpatient and Outpatient Measure Maintenance Support Contractor
The implementation of evidence-based early recognition and invasive/non-invasive treatment guidelines for Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock for patients presenting on admission through our Emergency Department and those developing severe sepsis or septic shock within our inpatient units.
HHS Public Access (Gyang, Shieh, Forsey, Maggio)