Jul 12, 2024

H.O.P.E. Human Trafficking Training

The H.O.P.E. (Healthcare Observations for the Prevention & Eradication of Human Trafficking) is a survivor-informed, trauma-informed, and patient-centered virtual training that equips all healthcare workers to identify potential human trafficking victims, give support, and offer resources

Jul 12, 2024

PATH Coalition of Kentucky

PATH aims to prevent trafficking in three strategic ways: Education, Partnership, and PATHWAY Services

Jul 12, 2024

Your Eyes Save Lives website

In January 2021, the Kentucky OAG launched a statewide human trafficking awareness campaign, “Your Eyes Save Lives.” The campaign combats human trafficking by raising awareness of the signs of human trafficking and empowers citizens, law enforcement, and community leaders

Jul 12, 2024

Kentucky Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force

The Kentucky Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force is a multi-disciplinary task force bringing together law enforcement, victim advocates, service agencies, and survivor leaders to combat human trafficking in Kentucky.

Jul 12, 2024

HEAL Trafficking

A training module specific to healthcare that actually uses simulation-based training for identification, treatment, and referral of trafficked individuals.

Jul 12, 2024

SOAR Online

SOAR Online offers FREE education from the government through the Office of Administration of Children and Families that has modules specifically for healthcare on essentially all of the basic components of recognizing possible indicators of trafficking and response protocols.

Jul 12, 2024

Indicator Card

A tip sheet for identification of potential trafficking. (Blue Campaign)

Jul 12, 2024

Blue Campaign

Blue Campaign is a national public awareness campaign designed to educate the public, law enforcement, and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases. Blue Campaign provides education