KHA SDoH Webinar: Blind Spots? Bias? Uncomfortable? How to Make the Most of the CMS Social Needs Screening
Invasive. Offensive. Private. Awkward. These are all words that have been used to describe the process of asking certain components of the CMS Social Needs screening questions, especially for healthcare professionals who are new to the process. The good news is that there are ways to get past those initial feelings and to fully embrace and utilize the incredible value of leading a patient through a complete assessment for social drivers of health (SDoH) in order to provide them with their very best chance at positive health outcomes. Join the KHA Quality Team as we break down four screening scenarios and provide tips, tricks, and tactics for making SDoH screening a little bit more comfortable and a whole lot more effective in your healthcare organization.
Presenter: Casey Newman
Target Audience: Quality Leaders, Clinical Leaders, Nursing Staff, Patient Advocates, Case Managers, Social Workers, Home Health Service Providers, Discharge Planners, Emergency Department teams, Clinical Coders, Billing Experts, Physician/Provider leadership, Pharmacy Leaders, DME Managers.